How quickly January came and went! We are now well into the winter semester and things are moving along well. Classes this semester are interesting and I am slowly preparing to sit for my CAPM (Certified Associate in Project Management) exam at the end of March. Otherwise, plans for our trip to Asia in April/May are coming together nicely. We have almost everything planned and organized. It's incredible to think that a 3 star hotel in Hong Kong costs $300 Cdn., while in Siem Reap, Cambodia, a similar hotel would go for $5 Cdn.! So, the plan of attack is to travel modestly in Hong Kong (save for the splurge on the dessert buffet at the Grand Hyatt) and then live it up a little in Vietnam and Cambodia where are travel dollars go much further.
But before I get too deep into talk of our overseas plans, life here in St. John's has developed a bit of a chill. It certainly has been a mild winter (by northern Ontario standards) with many days where the temperature has been +6 degrees Celsius. However, there have been days when the temperature has been much colder and accompanied by blistering winds. I especially dislike the days when I have to make my way to class when the rain, ice pellets, and snow are all coming down at once horizontally. On those days I wish there were MUNnels to Burtons Pond.
Speaking of the Pond, I have snapped a few pictures of the poor ducks that call the area home. They are very docile and show now concern when people walk beside them. I would bet that you could actually pet them, but I wouldn't dare try. The pigeons on the other hand are usually on edge and are best left alone. Whenever I have to walk through a flock of pigeons, I have this reoccurring image of Alfred Hitchcock's movie, "The Birds".
Pictured here is Burtons Pond and the (much blogged about) ducks. As I've mentioned before, the university pumps warm water into the pond to help keep a small portion of the surface free of ice.
"Hey Sid, remind me again why we are sitting on this frozen pond?"
When walking to and from class, I often pass through Paton College. This is MUN's traditional dorm residence geared towards early year students.
Picture left to right are the chemistry building, the Queen Elizabeth II library, the MUN clocktower, and the UC. Prince Phillip Drive passes through the centre of the campus and underneath the UC - very urban! I have no idea where the cars are though. This picture was taken Sunday afternoon at 4:00pm.
Here is where I spend most of my time when in class. The business administration building is only a 10 minute walk from the Pond, and when on the fourth floor, offers amazing views of the Narrows and St. John's harbour.
1 comment:
Love the "Sid" comment! You better take some vitamen D pills, it looks very cloudy over there !
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